Here You can search Pincode. We have nearly 1,54,500 Post Offices in the India. Each Post Office has unique Name. It is very difficult to remember all these names. Sometimes we remember the name of the Post Office only. you can easily search the Pincode. For that, fill the form given below and click submit.
1) Abdullapuram
3) Agaveli
4) AGokulapadu
5) Alaganur
6) Alavala
7) Alur Kurnool
8) Amadaguntla
9) Amakathadu
10) Anugonda
11) Arekallu
12) Arikera
13) Arlabanda
15) Aspari
16) Atmakur Kurnool
17) Badinehal
18) Baichigeri
19) Bairluty
20) Balaji Nagar
21) Banavanur
22) Bannuru
23) Bantanahalu
24) Bapuram
25) Bapuram
26) Basapuram
27) Basarakodu
28) Bastipadu
29) Belagal
30) Belagallu
31) Beldona
32) Bethamcherla
33) Bevinahal
35) Bhanumukkala
36) Bhojanam
37) Bilakalaguduru
38) Bilehalu
39) Billekallu
40) Biravolu
41) Bogolu
42) Bollavaram
43) Bollavaram
44) Bondimadugula
45) Brahmanadoddi
46) Brahmanakotkur
47) BTandrapadu
48) Bukkapuram
49) Burandoddi
50) Buruzula
51) Byluppala
52) Cement Nagar
53) Chakkaralla
54) Chandrapalli
55) Channampalli
56) Chatlamallapuram
57) Chatnihalli
58) Chelimilla
60) Cherukucherla
61) Cherukulapadu
62) Chigali
63) Chilakaladona
65) Chinnaharivanam
66) Chinnahothur
67) Chinnahulthi
68) Chinnahyti
69) Chinnapodilla
70) Chinnatekur
71) Chinnathumbalam
72) Chintakunta
73) Chintalapalli
74) Chippagiri
75) Chirtanakallu
76) Chityala
77) Chowtkur
78) Chudi
79) Chunchu Erragudi
80) D Kotakonda
81) Daivamdinne
82) Damagatla
83) Devanabanda
84) Devanakonda
85) Devanur
86) Dhanapuram
87) Dhone
88) Dhone-bazar
89) Dibbanakallu
90) Diguvapadu
91) Dinnedevarapadu
92) Dommaladinne
93) Duddi
94) Dudekonda
95) Dudyala
96) Edduladoddi
97) Edururu
98) Ellarthi
99) Enigabala
100) Erigeri
101) Errabadu
102) Erradoddi
103) Erukalacheruvu
104) EThandrapadu
105) Gadivemula
106) Gajjehalli
107) Ganapuram
108) Gani
109) Ganjihalli
110) Gargeyapuram
111) GErragudi
112) GHosanahalli
113) Gokavaram
114) Gondiparla
115) Gorantla
116) Govardhanagiri
117) GPRE College
119) GSingavaram
120) Gudikal
121) Gudikambali
122) Gudipadu
123) Gudipadu
124) Gudur Kurnool
125) Gulyam
126) Gummanur
127) Gundlakonda
128) Gundrevula
129) Guntakandala
130) Gutupalli
131) Halaharvi
132) Halaharvi
133) Halebidu
134) Haligera
135) Halvi
136) Hampa
137) Hanavolu
138) Hardageri
139) Harivanam
140) Hattibelagallu
141) Hebbatam
142) HKhairvadi
143) HMuravani
144) Holalagondi
145) Honnur
146) Hosuru
147) Hussainapuram
148) Ibharampuram
149) Indireswaram
150) Ingaladahal
151) Iranbanda
152) Iskala
153) Isvi
154) Jagadurthi
155) Jakkasanikuntla
156) Jaladurgam
157) Jalakanur
158) Jampapuram
159) Jilledubudakala
160) Joharapuram
161) Joharapuram
162) Jonnagiri
163) Julekallu
164) Jummaladinne
165) Jutur
166) Jutur
167) Kadamakuntla
168) Kadimetla
169) Kadivella
170) Kadumur
171) Kaggallu
172) Kalachatla
173) Kalludevakuntla
174) Kallukunta
175) Kalluru
176) Kalugotla
177) Kalva
178) Kamaganikuntla
179) Kamavaram
180) Kambadahal
181) Kambadahal
182) Kambaladinne
183) Kambalapadu
184) Kaminehal
185) Kammarchedu
186) Kandanathi
187) Kandukuru
188) Kappatralla
189) Karivemula
190) Karivena
191) Karumanchi
192) Katarukonda
193) Katriki
194) Kavuthalam
195) Kethavaram
196) Khairuppala
197) Khajeepuram
198) KMarkapuram
199) KNL-camp-B
200) Knl-osmaniacollege
201) KNPuram
202) Kogilathota
203) Kokkarchedu
204) Komarole
205) Kondapuram
206) Konganapadu
207) Konidela
208) Korrapolur
209) Kosigi
210) Kotakonda
211) Kotchervu
212) Kotekallu
213) Kothakota
214) Kothakota
215) Kothapalli
216) Krishnagiri
217) Kulumala
218) Kulumalapalli
219) Kunkanur
220) Kuntanahal
221) Kuppagallu
222) Kurnool
223) Kurnool Bazar
224) Kurnool Dt Court
225) Kurnool Kothapeta
227) Kurnool-chowk
228) Kurukunda
229) Kuruvalli
230) Lakkasagaram
231) Lakshminagaram
232) Lingadahalli
233) Lingapuram
234) Loddipalli
235) LPolur
236) Maddikera
237) Maddur
238) Madhavaram kurnoolBO
239) Madhire
240) MAgraharam
241) Malapalli
242) Malkapuram
243) Mallapuram
244) Mallepalli
245) Mallikarjunahalli
246) Malyala
247) Mamidalapadu
248) Manchalakatta
249) Mandlem
250) Manekurthi
251) Mantralaya Kurnool
252) Mantriki
253) Marakattu
254) Marlamadiki
255) Masapeta
256) Medehal
257) Meedivemula
258) Mekadona
259) Mettupalli
260) Midthur
261) Mittakandala
262) Molagavalli
263) Mothukuru
264) MSNagar
265) Muddanageri
266) Muddavaram
267) Mugati
268) Mukkella
269) Mulagundam
270) Munagala
271) Munagalapadu
272) Musalimadugu
273) Musanahalli
274) Muthukur
275) N R Peta KNL
276) Nadichagi
277) Nagaladinne
278) Naganathanahalli
279) Nagardona
280) Nagaruru
281) Nallachelimala
282) Nallakalva
283) Nancherla
284) Nandanapalli
285) Nandavaram
286) Nandikotkur
287) Nandikotkur-bazar
288) Nandikunta
289) Narayanapauram
290) Narnur
291) Nayakallu
292) Nemakallu
293) Nerniki
294) Nidjur
295) Nitravatti
296) NKhairavadi
297) NKonthalapadu
298) NSCFarm
299) Padidempadu
300) Pagidirai
301) Palukudoddi
302) Pamulapadu
303) Panchalingala
304) Pandikona
305) Parla
306) Parlapalli
307) Parumanchala
308) Pasupula
309) PDevalapuram
310) Peddakadubur
311) Peddakothali
312) Peddamarriveedu
313) Peddanelatur
314) Peddapadu
315) Peddapodilla
316) Peddathumbalam
317) Pendekallu
318) Peravali
319) Pinnapuram
320) PLingala
321) Polukallu
322) Pothidoddi
323) Pothugal
324) Prakash Nagar
325) Prathakota-east
326) Pudur
327) Pulakurthi
328) Puricherla
329) Putchakayalamada
330) Ramadurgam
331) Rangapuram
332) Ratana
333) Ratsamarri
334) Regadigudur
335) Remata
336) RKanapuram
337) RKonthalapadu
338) RKothapalli
339) Rollapadu
340) Roudur
341) Rudravaram
342) Salkapuram
343) Sammatageri
344) Santhekudlur
345) SAP Camp-kNL
346) Sathanikota
347) Sathanur
348) Sekunala
349) Siddapuram
350) Siddapuram
351) Siddepalli
352) Sivapuram
353) Somayajulapalli
354) Sri Krishna Nagar
355) Srisailam
356) SRPM
357) Stantanpuram
358) Sudepalli
359) Sugur
360) Sulekeri
361) Sunkeswari
362) Tadakanapalli
363) Talamudipi
364) Talla Gokulapadu
365) Tangadancha
366) Tangaradona
367) Tarigopula
368) Tarturu
369) Ternekallu
370) Thatipadu
371) Thimmandoddi
372) Thippanuru
373) Tholisapuram
374) Thudicherla
375) Togarchedu
376) TSakibanda
377) TSallakudlur
378) Tuggali
379) Tummalur
380) Udumulapadu
381) Ulchala
382) Ulindakonda
383) Ungaralagundla
384) Uppalapadu
385) Upparahal
386) Vaddeman
387) Vadlaramapuram
388) Vagarur Thimmapuram
389) Vanala
390) Vandagallu
391) Vandavagili
392) Veepanagandla
393) Veldurthi
394) Velgode
395) Velpanur
396) Vempenta
397) Vengalampalli
398) Venkatapuram
399) Virupapuram
400) Virupapuram
401) Vorvakallu
402) Vuyyalawada
403) Yatakallu
404) Yelamakur
405) Yembai
406) Yemmiganur
407) Yeruru
Here you can get the kurnool Pin code list of all the post offices. kurnool is the main city in Kurnool District. As it has large number of population there are so many post offices located in kurnool. We all know that kurnool Pincode is unique for each post office in kurnool. Even though the first three digits of kurnool Pin Code are same for all the post offices, next three digits are different for each post office. These three digits represents the post office code.
There are so many post offices in kurnool. In kurnool there are 407 Post Office(s). So it is difficult for you to remember the pin code of kurnool for all post offices. Now you dont need to remember all kurnool Pin codes. We are providing all kurnool Pin code list to make you to know the pin codes in kurnool.
Using our search engine you can easily locate the post offices in kurnool and also you can find the kurnool Pin code of the Specific post office in that City. To send a letter / courier to the a person living in any region of the kurnool you can search the pincode of that particular region in our website. For that you just need to do is select the State, District and then City. Then you can find all the post offices in kurnool along with their pin codes.
Here in our website we are providing the complete kurnool pin code list along with their contact address, Postal Circle and Postal Region. We are also providing the Map Location of the city to make you to recognize it easily. After selecting the city you will get all the post offices in the city. To know the kurnool pin code of the particular post office in that city you need to select the post office, once you have selected you can get all the details about the post office such as contact address and Post Office type.
If the Postal Area is large, Two or more branches will be available under the same post office. That means all the postal branches under the same post office have same pin code. So you may get confused about the location. So to make you clear about these locations we are providing list of all branches under the same kurnool pin code. Suppose if you have searched for a location with a kurnool pin code, you can get all the regions covered under the same post office in kurnool.
The Indian postal system is the most distributed in the world. Warren Hastings launched the first postal service in India. The service was created for the East India Company under the name 'Company Mail'. In 1837, regular post offices were started in India under the Post Office Act. The world's highest post office in India is in Hikkim, Himachal Pradesh. The Mumbai GPO (1 lakh sq ft) is the largest post office in India. There are 23 postal circles in the country. Which is operated by the Chief Postmaster General. These circles are divided into divisions. These divisions are Subdivisions.
From this largest postal network of India, it is difficult to remember the Pin code of particular State or District or City. So here we have provided the Post Office / Pin Code Search engine to help you locate a particular area pin code. Here you can also locate a post office address or any area by using Pin Code. This Pin code search engine helps to locate the post office or pin code details of all 29 states and 7 Union Territories of India. So use this Pin Code / Post Office locator to locate any post office / pincode in India.
India is the seventh-largest country by area. It has the largest Postal Network in the world with over 1, 54,823 Post Offices. In that 1, 39,144 (i.e. 89.76%) are in the rural areas. During the time of Independence, there were approximately 23,344 Post Offices. They were primarily in urban areas. At present it also expanded to rural areas that too focusing primarily in rural areas. On an average, in India, a Post Office serves a population of 7175 people and an area of 21.21 Sq. Km.
A Postal Index Number (PIN) or Pin code is a code used by India Post (the Indian postal administration) in the post office numbering or post code system. The Pin code is six digits long. This Pin Code system was introduced on 15th August 1972. In order to simplify the manual sorting and delivery of mail to correct address this Pin code system is introduced. It eliminates the confusion over similar place names, incorrect addresses and different languages used by the public in India. There are 9 PIN zones in India in which 8 are regional zones and one is functional zone. This functional zone is for Indian Army.
In Pin code the first digit indicates the region. The second digit indicates the sub-region. The third digit of Pin code indicates the sorting district within the region. The last 3 digits of Pincode are assigned to individual post offices. Example of a PIN is given below.
Example:‘456001’ is the example of Pin Code structure for the area of Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, India.
From ‘456001’,
The Postal Index Number (PIN) is a very useful system in India for various reasons:
Overall, the Postal Index Number system has revolutionized the way that mail and packages are delivered in India, making the process more efficient, accurate, and convenient for everyone involved.
Find Pin Code of kurnool, Kurnool with Post Office Details. Just follow the simple steps below to get the Postal Index Number, postal Code, address, contact of all indian Post office.