Find Post Office by Pincode

Here You can search Post Office by Pincode. The Pincode is given by Ministry of Communication & Technology to major post office for identification of each post office. If you know the Pincode then you can easily find the Postal code. For that, fill the form given below and click submit.

Yes, you can find Post Office with the Postal Index Number. You should only know the Postal Index Number for this.

  • Type the Pincode.
  • Click the SUBMIT button.

Search Post Office by Pincode.

This world is so vast, and in this vast world, there are so many countries, states, districts, cities and villages that it is very hard to remember or know their names. That is why, for every district , state, city, there are some codes and numbers that identify them. An individual is identified by the Voter ID Card Similarly, every district, state, and city must be identified by a PIN code.

What is a postal code?

The Indian postal system is the most distributed in the world. Warren Hastings launched the first postal service in India. The service was created for the East India Company under the name 'Company Mail'. In 1837, regular post offices were started in India under the Post Office Act. The world's highest post office in India is in Hikkim, Himachal Pradesh. The Mumbai GPO (1 lakh sq ft) is the largest post office in India. There are 23 postal circles in the country. Which is operated by the Chief Postmaster General. These circles are divided into divisions. These divisions are Subdivisions.

The PIN code is divided into 9 regions in the country. In this, a separate zone has been created for the army. PIN code was launched in India on 15 August 1972 by Shri Ram Bhikaji Velankar, former Additional Secretary, Union Ministry of Communications.

What does postcode stand for?

In India, a postal code or PIN Code (Postal Index Number) is a six-digit code that appears in the following format: XXXXXX. Each digit in the code represents a specific geographic region, sub-region, sorting district, and post office. Here is a breakdown of what each digit in the code represents:

  • The first digit represents the region: 1 represents Northern India, 2 represents Western India, 3 represents Southern India, 4 represents Eastern India, and 5 represents Central India.
  • The second digit represents the sub-region within the region: It ranges from 0 to 9.
  • The third digit represents the sorting district within the sub-region: It ranges from 0 to 9.
  • The last three digits represent the specific post office within the sorting district.

For example, the PIN code for the Connaught Place area in New Delhi is 110001. The first digit "1" represents the Northern region, the second digit "1" represents the sub-region within the Northern region, the third digit "0" represents the sorting district within the sub-region, and the last three digits "001" represent the specific post office within the sorting district.

Significance of Pincode

  • PIN code i.e. Postal Index Number. The post office is identified only by this 6 digit pin code of india.
  • It reduces misunderstanding and mistakes caused by similar location names, incomplete or
  • incorrect addresses, and the various languages and scripts that are common in India.
  • In the India Postal Network, there is a unique PIN code for every delivery post office. Due to this PIN code, the delivery post office gets all the mail and the delivery post office delivers the mail to its lower offices.
  • This postal index number (pincode) is used by courier companies along with the post office.

What does the post office do?

  • Delivering letters, parcel all over India
  • Remittance money by money order, emo and imo
  • accepting deposits under various types of Savings Schemes
  • Nowadays post office provided passport services, Postal Life Insurance, aadhaar card update center.

Find post office by Pincode. Just follow the simple steps below to get the india postal code list, pincode, post office address, contact of all indian post office.