Pincode of Vadlaramapuram Kurnool Post office

What is a Pincode for Vadlaramapuram?

Vadlaramapuram Pincode is 518422. Vadlaramapuram is located in Kurnool district of ANDHRA PRADESH. Postal Index Number Code (Pincode) is a numbering system used by indian Postal service, a Government of India agency to identify a post office. Vadlaramapuram Post Office Type is B.O. More details about this post Office are given below.

PINCODE :- 518422
Post Office / Office type / Delivery status : Vadlaramapuram (B.O) Delivery
Taluka / District / State : Kurnool, Kurnool, ANDHRA PRADESH
Tel. : NA
Suboffice : Atmakur S.O (Kurnool)
Headoffice : Kurnool H.O
Circle Name : Andhra Pradesh Circle
Region Name : Kurnool Region
Division Name : Kurnool Division

21 Post Offices with Same Pin Code 518422 in Kurnool

Here is the list of 21 Post offices in Kurnool District having same pin code 518422. To reach any of that post office, find the address and other details by clicking on the link provided in the table.

Sr.Post OfficeofficeTypeTaluka
1 Atmakur KurnoolS.OKurnool
2 BairlutyB.OKurnool
3 BhanumukkalaB.OKurnool
4 DudyalaB.OKurnool
5 ErramattamB.ONA
6 GokavaramB.OKurnool
7 GuvvalakuntaB.ONA
8 IndireswaramB.OKurnool
9 IskalaB.OKurnool
10 KarivenaB.OKurnool
11 KothapalliB.OKurnool
12 KurukundaB.OKurnool
13 MLingapuramB.OJupadu Bungalow
14 MusalimaduguB.OKurnool
15 NallakalvaB.OKurnool
16 NandikuntaB.OKurnool
17 PinnapuramB.OKurnool
18 SiddapuramB.OKurnool
19 SiddepalliB.OKurnool
20 SivapuramB.OKurnool
21 VadlaramapuramB.OKurnool

518422 Pincode Format.

5 1 8 4 2 2
ZONE SUBZONE District ZONE post office

The Pincode is 518422.

1st digit show the Zone.

2nd digit show the SUBZONE.

3rd character is ZONE District

And the last three characters reflect the Code of post office.

1st Digit of PINCode (PIN Code Prefix) Zone
 1 (11) - Delhi,(12 - 13) Haryana,(14 - 16) Punjab,(17) Himachal Pradesh,(18 - 19) Jammu & Kashmir
2 (20 - 28) Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand
3 (36 - 39) Gujarat, (30 - 34) Rajasthan, (396 or 362) DAMAN AND DIU, (396) DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELI
4 (403) Goa, (40 - 44) Maharashtra, (49) Chattisgarh, (45 - 48) Madhya Pradesh
5 (51 - 53) Andhra Pradesh, (50)Telangana (56 - 59) Karnataka
6 (60 - 64) Tamil Nadu, (609) PONDICHERRY, (67 - 69) Kerala, (682) Lakshadweep
7 (70 - 74) West Bengal (744) Andaman & Nicobar (75 - 77) Odisha (78) Assam (79) Arunachal Pradesh (79) Manipur (79) Meghalaya (79) Mizoram (79) Nagaland (79) Tripura
8 (80 - 85) Bihar(80 - 83, 92) Jharkhand
9 (99)Army Post Office, Field Post Office

The Indian postal system is the most distributed in the world. Warren Hastings launched the first postal service in India. The service was created for the East India Company under the name 'Company Mail'. In 1837, regular post offices were started in India under the Post Office Act. The world's highest post office in India is in Hikkim, Himachal Pradesh. The Mumbai GPO (1 lakh sq ft) is the largest post office in India. There are 23 postal circles in the country. Which is operated by the Chief Postmaster General. These circles are divided into divisions. These divisions are Subdivisions.

What does the post office do?

  • Delivering letters, parcel all over India
  • Remittance money by money order, emo and imo
  • accepting deposits under various types of Savings Schemes
  • Nowadays post office provided passport services, Postal Life Insurance, aadhaar card update center.

518422 contains an 6 digit code. This code helps to find the details of Vadlaramapuram post office in India. a Government of India agency can easily identify Vadlaramapuram post office.