Here You can search Pincode. We have nearly 1,54,500 Post Offices in the India. Each Post Office has unique Name. It is very difficult to remember all these names. Sometimes we remember the name of the Post Office only. you can easily search the Pincode. For that, fill the form given below and click submit.
1) Adibatla
2) Adikcherla
3) Agapalli
4) Agnoor
5) Ainapur
7) Allapur
8) Alur
9) Amdapur
10) Amradikalan
11) Anajpur
12) Anantagiripally
13) Antaram
14) Antharam
15) Arutla
16) Athveli
17) Atveli
18) Badampalli
19) Bandaraviryal
20) Bandelkacherla
21) Barwad
22) Batasingaram
23) Bhulkapur
24) Bompalli
25) Bomraspet
26) Bowrampet
27) Buchampalli
28) Chanchalpet
29) Chandanvelly
30) Chengole
31) Chengomal
32) Chennaram
33) Chenvelli
34) Chevella
35) Chilkur
36) Chimaldari
38) Chinnagottiga
39) Chintapatla
40) Chippalapalli
41) Chittigadda
42) Chityal
43) Chowderpalli
44) Dabbedguda
45) Damarched
46) Damargidda
47) Dandumailaram
48) Devarampalli
49) Devnoor
50) Devuniyerravalli
51) Dhannaram
52) Dharur
53) Dhobhipet
54) Dindigul
55) Dirsampalli
56) Doma
57) Doolapalli
58) Dornal
59) Ekmamidi
60) Eleminedu
61) Enkatala
62) Gagillapur
63) Gazipur
64) Gharsinghapur
65) Gingurthi
66) Godamguda
67) Gollapalli Kalan
68) Gottimukkala
69) Gowrelli
70) Gudur
71) Gummadavalli
72) Gundal
73) Gungal
74) Indur
75) Jaidupalli
76) Jaitwaram
77) Jangaon
78) Japal
79) Jeevangi
80) Juntapalli
81) Kadcherla
82) Kalkhoda
83) Kanakamamidi
84) Kandanhalli
85) Kandlapalli
86) Kandukur
87) Kandwada
88) Kankal
89) Kanmeta
90) Kappapahad
91) Karankot
92) Kasimpur
93) Kavadpalli
94) Kesaram
95) Kethireddipalli
96) Kistapur
97) Kodalkal
98) Koheda
99) Kokat
100) Kolkonda
101) Kongarakalan
102) Kothagdi
103) Kothapalli
104) Kothapalli
105) Kothapalli
106) Kothlapur
107) Kotpalli
108) Kotwalguda
109) Kowkunta
110) Kudmoor
111) Kudvandapur
112) Kurmidda
113) Kurviched
114) Lemur
115) Lingampalli
116) Madanapalli
117) Madhapur
118) Madireddipalli
119) Maharajpet
120) Mailwar
121) Maisaram
122) Malasomaram
123) Malkapur
124) Malkapur
125) Malwardevrampalli
126) Manchal
127) Manchanpalli
128) Mangalpalli
129) Mankhal
130) Manneguda
131) Manthangod
132) Manthangowd Gowrelli
133) Manthatti
134) Marpallikalan
135) Medchal
136) Medipalli
137) Medipalli
138) Medpalli
139) Meerkhanpet
140) Mekavanampalli
141) Mittabaspalle
142) Mittakorud
143) Moinabad
144) Mokila
145) Mombapur
146) Mominpet
147) Mondigowrelli
148) Morangpalli
149) Mothukapalli
150) Mubarakpur
151) Mudgul Chittempalle
152) Mudimial
153) Mujahidpur
154) Munnur Somaram
155) Nadergul
156) Nagaram
157) Nagasamunder
158) Nagulapalli
159) Nallavalli
160) Nanajipur
161) Nandiwanaparthy
162) Narayanpur
163) Narkhoda
164) Naskal
165) Navalga
167) Nazdiksingaram
168) Nedunur
169) Nizampet Medpalli
170) Nyalata
171) Orella
172) Pagdyal
173) Pamena
174) Panchalingal
175) Parveda
176) Pasmamala
177) Patloor
178) Peda Umenthyal
179) Pedda Amberpet
180) Pedda Mangalaram
181) Peddimal
182) Peta Madaram
183) Phulmaddi
184) Pochampally
185) Pocharam
186) Polkampalli
187) Ponnal
188) Proddatur
189) Pudur
190) Pulapalli
191) Pulmamidi
192) Pulmamidi
193) Pulusmamidi
194) Purgi
195) Qutubullapur
196) Rachaloor
197) Raipole
198) Ramanathgudpally
199) Ramapur
200) Ramdaspalli
201) Rangapur
202) Ravulapalli
203) Regad Ghanapur
204) Regondi
205) Riapol
206) Rompalli
207) Rupkhanpet
208) Salbathapur
209) Sangamkalan
211) Shankarpalli
212) Siddaloor
213) Singapur
214) Sirpura
215) Sivareddipalli
216) Sivareddypet
217) Somangurthi
218) Srirangavaram
219) Sultanpur
220) Surangal
221) Syedpalli
222) Tadlapalliguda
223) Tandur
224) Tangadpalli
225) Tangutoor
226) Taramatipeta
227) Tatiparthy
228) Tekulapalli
229) Thattepalli
230) Thimmapur
231) Thummalapalli
232) Timmaipalli
233) Toolkalan
234) Toolkhurd
235) Torrur
236) Tummalur
237) Turkayamzal
238) Turmamidi
239) Velchal
240) Venkatapur
241) Wootpalli
242) Yacharam
243) Yakmai
244) Yalal
245) Yellakonda
246) Yelvawthy
247) Yenkepalle
248) Yennaram
Here you can get the rangareddy Pin code list of all the post offices. rangareddy is the main city in KVRangareddy District. As it has large number of population there are so many post offices located in rangareddy. We all know that rangareddy Pincode is unique for each post office in rangareddy. Even though the first three digits of rangareddy Pin Code are same for all the post offices, next three digits are different for each post office. These three digits represents the post office code.
There are so many post offices in rangareddy. In rangareddy there are 248 Post Office(s). So it is difficult for you to remember the pin code of rangareddy for all post offices. Now you dont need to remember all rangareddy Pin codes. We are providing all rangareddy Pin code list to make you to know the pin codes in rangareddy.
Using our search engine you can easily locate the post offices in rangareddy and also you can find the rangareddy Pin code of the Specific post office in that City. To send a letter / courier to the a person living in any region of the rangareddy you can search the pincode of that particular region in our website. For that you just need to do is select the State, District and then City. Then you can find all the post offices in rangareddy along with their pin codes.
Here in our website we are providing the complete rangareddy pin code list along with their contact address, Postal Circle and Postal Region. We are also providing the Map Location of the city to make you to recognize it easily. After selecting the city you will get all the post offices in the city. To know the rangareddy pin code of the particular post office in that city you need to select the post office, once you have selected you can get all the details about the post office such as contact address and Post Office type.
If the Postal Area is large, Two or more branches will be available under the same post office. That means all the postal branches under the same post office have same pin code. So you may get confused about the location. So to make you clear about these locations we are providing list of all branches under the same rangareddy pin code. Suppose if you have searched for a location with a rangareddy pin code, you can get all the regions covered under the same post office in rangareddy.
The Indian postal system is the most distributed in the world. Warren Hastings launched the first postal service in India. The service was created for the East India Company under the name 'Company Mail'. In 1837, regular post offices were started in India under the Post Office Act. The world's highest post office in India is in Hikkim, Himachal Pradesh. The Mumbai GPO (1 lakh sq ft) is the largest post office in India. There are 23 postal circles in the country. Which is operated by the Chief Postmaster General. These circles are divided into divisions. These divisions are Subdivisions.
From this largest postal network of India, it is difficult to remember the Pin code of particular State or District or City. So here we have provided the Post Office / Pin Code Search engine to help you locate a particular area pin code. Here you can also locate a post office address or any area by using Pin Code. This Pin code search engine helps to locate the post office or pin code details of all 29 states and 7 Union Territories of India. So use this Pin Code / Post Office locator to locate any post office / pincode in India.
India is the seventh-largest country by area. It has the largest Postal Network in the world with over 1, 54,823 Post Offices. In that 1, 39,144 (i.e. 89.76%) are in the rural areas. During the time of Independence, there were approximately 23,344 Post Offices. They were primarily in urban areas. At present it also expanded to rural areas that too focusing primarily in rural areas. On an average, in India, a Post Office serves a population of 7175 people and an area of 21.21 Sq. Km.
A Postal Index Number (PIN) or Pin code is a code used by India Post (the Indian postal administration) in the post office numbering or post code system. The Pin code is six digits long. This Pin Code system was introduced on 15th August 1972. In order to simplify the manual sorting and delivery of mail to correct address this Pin code system is introduced. It eliminates the confusion over similar place names, incorrect addresses and different languages used by the public in India. There are 9 PIN zones in India in which 8 are regional zones and one is functional zone. This functional zone is for Indian Army.
In Pin code the first digit indicates the region. The second digit indicates the sub-region. The third digit of Pin code indicates the sorting district within the region. The last 3 digits of Pincode are assigned to individual post offices. Example of a PIN is given below.
Example:‘456001’ is the example of Pin Code structure for the area of Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, India.
From ‘456001’,
The Postal Index Number (PIN) is a very useful system in India for various reasons:
Overall, the Postal Index Number system has revolutionized the way that mail and packages are delivered in India, making the process more efficient, accurate, and convenient for everyone involved.
Find Pin Code of rangareddy, KVRangareddy with Post Office Details. Just follow the simple steps below to get the Postal Index Number, postal Code, address, contact of all indian Post office.