Find Branch details by IFSC Code

The IFSC code is given by the Reserve Bank of India to all banks for identification of each branch. If you know the IFSC code then you can easily find the bank and its branch. For that, fill the form given below and click submit. You will get Bank Name, Branch, Address, Contact Number, IFSC, MICR.

Yes, you can find the branch with the IFSC Code. You should only know the IFSC Code for this.

  • Type the 11 digits of IFSC Code.
  • Click the SUBMIT button.

Search Branch by IFSC Code

Where Can You find IFSC code?

If you don't know your Bank IFSC Code, it doesn't matter. I will tell you how you can find it in the simplest way. on my website, anybody can easily and quickly search all Indian Bank IFSC Codes. Just follow the simple steps to get the IFSC code.

Here is the easiest way for you to find the IFSC code and Branches of any bank in India. Our IFSC Code Search Engine gives the easiest way to find IFSC Code for Banks in India. The search engine starts with the Bank name which makes it easy to locate the bank and IFSC code you are looking for. Further, you can search the IFSC code and Bank branch by District name, State name, City name, and Branch name. It helps to locate all 1,41,540 bank branches of 230 banks and IFSC codes in India. So use this IFSC code search engine to locate the IFSC code and bank branch of any bank in India.

1.) Select the bank from the dropdown list which you require the IFSC Code.

2.) Select the State Name from the dropdown list.

3.) And choose the City Name from the dropdown list.

4.) Now select the Branch Name where the bank is located.

Find IFSC code by Account Number?

Yes, you can find the IFSC code with the account number. The step is very easy with few selections from the dropdowns. You should only know the Bank name and bank account number for this.

1.) Select the bank whose code you are looking for.

2.) Type the first 5 digits of your bank account number.

3.) Click the SUBMIT button.

Another way to find Bank IFSC Codes.

1.) MICR code, FSC Code is available on the Cheque leaf.

Well, this path is not for everyone. If you have a cheque book, then from there you can find your IFSC. So how to get Then the answer will also be found.

By the way, there are many banks in India, but the cheque book of each bank looks different. For example, in some banks this IFSC code is above, in some it is below. Just you have to watch your check carefully, somewhere you will get to see the IFSC Code, I have given a picture below for better understanding.

Branch-details-by-IFSC Code

I know that not everyone has a checkbook. Then you will find another way below.

2.) On your bank passbook’s first page.

This is the easiest way to get the IFSC Code. If you see the first page of your bank's passbook, then you will get the IFSC Code along with some facts like the name of account holder, account number, branch address, branch code, etc.


As there is a picture above, you are easily aware of it. If this method also seems to be smiling, then you will find a way below and you can also find it. Well, the next way is not for everyone.

3.) On the bank official website and RBI website will get a complete list of Bank IFSC Codes.

4.) Call bank customer care - bank ifsc inquiry.

Search Branch details by IFSC Code. Just follow the simple steps below to get the IFSC code, MICR Code, Branch address, contact of all indian banks.